Tag Archives: John hardy

How do you spend your Friday night?

I’m meeting next week with my co-leaders to help lay out the curricula for next year’s homeschool cooperative. We’ll spend hours on this. It’s a lot of work, but it’s work that is very exciting. To see what the students will be exposed to in their studies is motivating for a teacher. Somebody asked me tonight what I do that keeps me up so late on a Friday night. Planning out our educational map is one of them.  How’s that for excitement?



Another exhausting day

Mother’s day tea, probability, fractions, operations, took lunch and a birthday present to my girlfriend, technology lessons, logic, critical thinking, poetry, art history, spelling with SWR, money, independent reading, matter, Paul Bunyan, team gymnastics, and more travel soccer try-outs. It’s been a full and somewhat stressful week. I may hibernate this weekend!

An honest stressor for me at this point in motherhood-not having a clear, defined path of interest for my oldest kid. I hear parents talk about their child wanting to do a certain “thing” from an early age. I don’t have that feedback from my son yet, and it bothers me. I know it shouldn’t, but admittedly, it does. Need quiet time to calm my anxiety..






