Tag Archives: fall

Midnight with General Petraeus

Up late prepping for the upcoming week after spending around 5 hours today on academics and testing-should’ve been a day off for us, but I’m trying hard to keep us on a decent schedule so that we can enjoy our holidays. I really feel like I’m in a daily marathon with this homeschooling stuff. It’s like parenting for me-24/7 with minimal breaks.
I was side-tracked tonight after catching up on world news, most notably the happenings of Gen. Patraeus and his resignation. I was reading his bio on Wikipedia. They’ve already updated his history to include his affair. News travels fast. As a former flight surgeon in the USAF, I can tell you that one hates to see an officer, especially one of his extensive decoration, take a fall such as this. My children will read all about his career one day as a notable military figure for America, and they’ll be left with this memory. Good lesson on mistakes, I guess.




Took a day off and went pumpkin picking

We took the afternoon off and had some family time today at the pumpkin farm.  I cherish these moments and am thankful that I can shift gears to be able to relax and enjoy our times together.  However, I know that I still need to cover certain topics in their studies that weren’t taught today while we were out enjoying nature.  I don’t count field trips as a replacement for academics, just supplements to hopefully keep things well-rounded..


Alternative universes! Look kids, this is why we are talking about electrons today!


We have been studying the atomic model in our local co-op class. Can’t wait to discuss this topic with them about a single electron being in 2 places at the same time.
Does anybody watch “Fringe”? Hubby and I love that show.

Must go tackle laundry! It has exploded again!!!








Friday fun day and France

The last few days have been especially busy while hubby was away in France. Everything had to be done by me alone. I’d love to say that it’s the weekend, and we can slow down, but we won’t. I will teach more on Sunday to make up for what we didn’t cover during the week. This is, in addition to, all the kids activities that will occur. I know I’m not alone in this. Plenty of parents, homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers, are feeling the crunch of raising kids in this busy environment.
I was up until 1:00 a.m. this morning working on school items. Today, we had our Math Circle meeting with our tutor in my home followed by resuming my own teaching and testing of the kids. I cleaned the pool. We had a quick dinner (my leftover porkchops that they hated as did I!),  and then we set out to play some tricks on our friends. The kids dressed in dark colors and pretended to be spies. All the while, I was playing the song, “Somebody’s watching me” by Rockwell.  I love that 80’s song! Now, it’s the kids’ bedtime so I’ve got to go and read “Winnie the Pooh” with them.









Using your iPhone to teach memory work

My kids are memorizing a variety of things this year including the Gettysburg Address. I’m using my iPhone to help me teach them. I recorded myself saying their various pieces they must learn. Then, they can replay them and listen to the speeches and poetry as they practice. Of course, I can’t just leave my kids with my phone.  History has taught me that they find themselves very amusing at some of the sounds and songs they record for me..

New iphone 5 tomorrow-check out the below link and look at what the marines are getting to play with..

