Tag Archives: looming

Teach your child a handicraft

Charlotte Mason advocated the use of handicrafts in a child’s education. The handicraft could include anything from looming to chores to letter-making.
My sister-in-law taught my daughter how to make a beaded bracelet and necklace tonight.
Several elite private schools that I’ve researched incorporate such handicrafts into their curricula.



Extracurriculuar activities-how much is too much?

Part of homeschooling requires that you, as the educator, create opportunities for your child to learn new skills, experience new things, and excel in a certain area.  How much of that to do is something that I wrestle with.  Today, for example, started with a lacrosse game followed by a Boy Scouts banquet.  Other days are filled with travel soccer, rec soccer, indoor soccer, soccer skills clinics, choir, piano, Latin, French, gymnastics, weekly cooperative classes, dance, looming, skiing, and Daisies.  And that’s just in the winter season.  Somewhere in there I try to go to the gym to keep myself in shape.  No doubt it’s a lot, but it’s all self-induced so I’m not complaining.  I am leaning towards cloning myself, though-ha!

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