Tag Archives: NFL

Why do you homeschool?

It was organized chaos this weekend for us, so I’ve been sluggish on posting. Halloween festivities combined with normal extracurriculars kept us busy. Soccer, shopping, gymnastics, church, a choir performance, Halloween parties, and the local parade consumed the weekend. I ended up walking in the Halloween parade with my daughter’s team, so I was thankful I had worn comfortable shoes to the gym.
It’s interesting. At one of the parties today, two different mothers on 2 separate occasions who send their children to public school asked me why I choose to homeschool. That question was followed by others such as how do I know what to teach, how do I teach them all at one time, do I not like the public school system, will I homeschool through high school, and do they listen to me as their teacher? These are conversations I’ve had before with other people. I’ve become quite used to answering them. Here’s how I responded:
I choose to homeschool because it seems to be the right choice for our family, at least it has been in the past and would seem to be the same at present. I homeschool because the environment offers an individualized education for each child, and their studies can be adapted to what they need and respond to. They basically have a private tutor as they study. There are minimal distractions while they learn. They don’t have to worry about what they’re wearing or saying or doing, and they don’t have to worry about what someone else is wearing or saying or doing. It’s just them with their books while listening to classical music playing softly in the background. I don’t know what the future holds. I do have a goal of homeschooling through high school. I have seen other homeschooling families be successful through high school so I believe we could do it. I do, however, take it year by year and even day by day, at times. Life can be full of surprises.
I’m not sure I’d say I dislike the public school system, but it appears to be broken beyond repair. Most importantly, the system is inefficient. Public school teachers  and even those in the private sector have an enormous task of educating classrooms of children who have different learning styles. Children process things differently. They are on different areas of the learning curve. How can teachers maximize their time while dealing with all of the outside noise and distractions? Again, the system is inefficient, so valuable teaching time is lost on miscellaneous things that have little or no relevance to academics.
I talked about the different books and programs I use including Calvert. We talked about testing. As for the question of do they listen to me, heck yeah they do, because I demand that they do! They are under my instruction right now. I’ve been given the job of raising them, so defiance in the form of disobeying instruction would not go well for them, and they know it. We are entering our fifth year of homeschooling, so I guess I can assume that they appreciate that homeschooling is a major part of our lives. It is the norm for us. Do they give me attitude? Of course they do and frequently! But, in the end, I’m the boss, and the boss calls the shots. Remember that episode of the “Cosby Show” where Mr. Cosby says, “I brought you into this world, and I’ll take you out.”? 🙂
Well, that’s enough of that. The rooster will be crowing soon..













“Why does mom make us sing in the choir?”

Oh, yes. I’ve enrolled the kids into our church’s choir program. They will be memorizing and singing a new hymn each month along with learning more in the music education area. Man, did I get complaints from my oldest and youngest sons when I let them know that they’d be participating in such this year. So, I spent a few minutes explaining what benefits I see for them being a part of choir: making new friends, more social activities (indoor water park for starters), becoming more comfortable on a stage and public singing, training their voices, and most importantly, learning more about the Lord. Truthfully, though, even though I’m getting some complaints from them, this activity is not optional. I only see good things to come from this, so I’m using my “I know what’s best for you” card and trumping them on this one. Too bad:)
Travel soccer game day for the boys-bring it!







Rosh Hashana

Today, Rosh Hashana was observed, so many of our local schools were closed. It’s always a bit tempting to me to follow our local school schedules at home. It’s never easy trying to teach my kids when the neighborhood kids are outside playing. So, we took the day off as well. Truthfully though, the real reason I didn’t teach was because my oldest son had an appointment with an acting coach in Philadelphia. The appointment was in the middle of the day, and by the time I had to factor in driving and such, it was somewhat pointless to try to hold academics. The drama/acting world is a new scenario for us. My oldest son has shown an interest in the craft, so we’ve been using different opportunities to expose him to see what may (or may not) spark. Exposure to many different things has always been a goal of mine for my kids. Hopefully doing so will help them and me make wise choices for their future.
The rest of the day was filled with gymnastics, soccer, and a gym class for me. I can tell my abs have been on summer break! Dinner was take-out from our local grocery store deli. I’m a sucker for that kind of food.
I did receive a letter in the mail today from the “National Society For the Gifted and Talented” based in Stamford, CT. The letter stated that my eldest had been accepted into this organization. I had sent in his Iowa test scores a short while back along with a check. The reason I did this was simply to learn more about opportunities and programs for my children that otherwise might know. I’m not privi to this type of knowledge like a public or private school would be. Hoping I get some benefit from spending our money on this.
Tomorrow-academics, robotics, soccer. I’ve got to get back to work with my little guys in Junior FLL. We are hoping to participate in some local exhibitions over the fall and winter semesters.








My mind is on books this evening. My oldest 2 children have become quite the avid readers, and I need to provide them with some new choices of literature from the library. This evening I’ve been thumbing through some sources such as “Honey for a Child’s Heart” and “Parent’s guide to the Best Books for Children” for ideas. My youngest two children are still in need of encouraging and teaching good reading skills, so I’m looking for additional quality read-alouds as well as independent books for them. Reading well is an important goal for all of my children to reach.
I was thinking how detached I’ve been from school. I must have really needed a serious break, because I’ve been in full-blown summer mode. I’ve also been using my time wisely to accomplish those home projects that stare at you from September to June. My mother asked me tonight how I get any teaching done with these projects taking up so much of my time. Of course, I told her that those projects simply don’t get accomplished when we’re in hard core academic mode. Almost everything gets put on hold except for the bare necessities when we are studying.













What did I cook for St. Patrick’s Day? I bought Irish Potatoes.

These past couple of days my mind has been engaged with a bit of everything: paintball, a research paper, the Suzuki method, my faith and church, FLL, drama, dinner with my girlfriend,  sports, and so forth.  Somehow in the middle of the organized chaos hubby and I were able to spend some much needed time together (always important to remember that in the madness). Of course, that was after we watched the rerun of JT on SNL-sooooo funny! I’ve got to prep for tomorrow so I must depart for now-too many disorganized thoughts running around in my head so I must make the pieces fit before teaching tomorrow:)


Black Friday/Gray Thursday

Exercised this morning with my talented niece and sister. Afterwards, we took the kids to see “Wreck-It Ralph” at the theater. It’s a cute movie, although admittedly I slept through several parts of it.
Tonight, I’m out with my mother, sister, and niece to hit the holiday sales. Drinking caffeine as it appears it will be a long and eventful evening sure to bring some laughs. I do not do well with these scenarios. The madness overwhelms me, and I can’t process good deals from bad ones. I do much better in a small, boutique-type environment, but it’s all about being with family right now. I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. I’ll get serious about it soon and buy presents, but I’d much rather spend money on travel and experiences versus things. My kids, being kids, don’t really grasp that so we’ll see how it goes.






Forgot DST-I was so mad!!

I was so annoyed at myself today. We made it church only to quickly discover that we’d forgotten to set our clocks for DST-ugh..I sooooo could have used that extra sleep.
Busy weekend as usual. Lots of trick-or-treaters and friends at my house last night. Where does the weekend go?
I’m lesson planning at midnight while drinking some hot green tea. Working again on my kids’ book lists making sure they meet their reading goals for the year. I just finished reading a biography on Marie Curie-what an amazing woman of science she was. We’ll be discussing her life and contributions to science at co-op this week.
Must sleep…Groundhog Day approaches. Can you hear the circus music?




I called Archie Manning

My girlfriend was asking to see a picture of me from my dancing years during college.  I was the captain of the Ole Miss Rebelettes many, many moons ago.

And then, last night, I was watching a commercial with Eli Manning (or was it Peyton?) mentioning his father calling.  I can remember in college actually calling Archie Manning asking if he’d like to donate money towards our national competition and uniform purchases.  He was very pleasant on the phone and sent us money to help with our fundraising.

Boy, how life has drastically changed for me since those college years and how the focus of my thoughts is so different!

Well, must run make four breaksfasts before the madness begins (again)!  Can I get a “hotty totty”?  My MSU friends aren’t going to like that!

Falling asleep during the lax tournament

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We spent the day on the lax fields.  My son’s team has a lot of athletic talent.  They won all 3 games which is always nice.

The bottom 3 kids and I watched the second and third games from inside of the Yukon.  We were able to park pretty close to the fields so that I could watch the games while I kept them out of the weather and let them watch a movie.  Apparently, I fell asleep in the car while we were sitting there because I woke up with that uncomfortable neck pain you feel after sitting in an unusual position.  A small amount of drool was on the side of my face.  That’s when you know you’re really tired.  Thankfully, I had locked the doors and had the car alarm on!

The rest of the evening was spent doing more needed clothes shopping and hitting the craft store for supplies.  We ate at Chick-Fil-E for lunch and Burger King for dinner.  Are you cringing?  I know, the grease and the fat and the chemicals, but it was just one of those crazy days.  I must admit though, I love those old-fashioned milkshakes and fast food french fries.

During my time sitting there watching the games (you know, when I wasn’t asleep), I was thinking to myself how much money and time gets spent on athletics for these young kids.  Why is that?  Do we honestly think that most of these kids will play college or go pro?  Statistics would appear to not be in their favor.  There are these places that train your kid to be a better athlete by working on strength, speed, and agility and charge a lot of money for their services.   Personal trainers are hired.  Diet is manipulated.  Friends turn into enemies over competition between their children.

Athletics for our kids provide a variety of positives:  competition, learning to play on a team, confidence boosting, physical activity, and, you know, the “socialization”.  My kids love this environment so I assume we’ll proceed as long as it benefits them, and they enjoy it.  My guess is that they’re not going to play in the NBA, but I do believe these activities will help them in pursuing their career paths and shaping their character.

Co-op day at Excelsior: West Indies, South America, Psalm 8, poetry, Napoleon, circuits, electricity, morse code, stick ball, Gershwin, book club, math games, commutative property, distributive property, identity property, associative property

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Long day with many activities that followed classes.  I’m so tired.  I’d really like to stay up and write, but my body is saying “pause”. Will have to prep for tomorrow early in the morning:)

Anybody following Tebow’s trade?

My conversation with Pam Tebow

Tonight I attended our local pregnancy center’s annual fundraiser.  This year’s featured speaker was Pam Tebow.  She’s just lovely.  We spoke briefly about homeschooling (didn’t bring up Denver).  Back then, their family was quite the trailblazer versus today where homeschooling is becoming more mainstream.   Yah!  Go homeschoolers!!

Maybe she has a granddaughter or grandson who could marry one of my kids??  I wonder how many people say that…