Tag Archives: Paris


Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you.

We awoke to 5 inches of newly fallen snow on the ground. Not a welcomed sight after the winter that we’ve had, but it is what it is.

Studies were started in the morning, then interrupted with a quick trip into the very cold NYC, then started again on the return home. We covered math, informal logic, vocabulary, French, grammar, composition, phonics, art history, history, piano, and reading. Still, I need more time. My oldest son ended the evening with researching Victor Hugo as part of his French studies. I hate that my husband and I missed visiting the Pantheon where he is buried, but that gives me another excuse to get us back to Paris.













I must be a displaced Parisian

My husband and I are just returning from several days in Paris to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.  We had the opportunity to fly space-A to anywhere thanks to my in-laws, but our hope was to make it to Paris. We had not booked a hotel room because we weren’t certain of our travel plans.  I had spent some time searching for Paris apartments to rent from agencies highlighted in Fodor’s Paris book, although most agencies said they were booked because of the upcoming Air Show. We were fortunate to get on both flights with little difficulty. Although my husband flies to Paris periodically for business, this was my first trip and the experience met every expectation that I had.  No doubt we will be returning, hopefully with the kids in hand next time.

Everything about Paris is yummy.  Parisians are gorgeous, stylish, mannerly and a little snobbish but the good kind of snobbish, not the bad (and they have every right to be proud). The city architecture is breath-taking with a rich history.  If I ever build a home again, it will mimic the French design.

Here’s an abbreviated version of our week:

-Arrived in Paris Tuesday morning with no where to stay.  My husband’s business hotel was completely full, so we started emailing apartment agencies from a local cafe that had free Wi-Fi.  To our surprise, one of the agencies said they had a recent cancellation so we met the agent in the afternoon to check in. After walking many blocks, we arrived at the apartment located on Rue St. Dominique.  The St. Dominique area is lovely and full of locals, so we were immediately ingrained into  true Parisian life. The Eiffel Tower could be seen from our street. Our agent, Pierre-Louise, was courteous and accommodating providing us with bits of helpful information. The maid cleaned while we unpacked and washed the airplane muck off. Then off we went towards the Champs de Mars area. Jet lag would have to wait. We toured the Eiffel Tower, the grounds and the Siene river area and found a local cafe to dine at in the evening. After much walking, we collapsed into our bed and slept for about 13 hours.

-We walked everywhere as most people do in Paris and our bodies hurt at times, but we wanted to see as much as possible. We hit all of the usual first-timer sites as you will see from the pictures below. One of the many highlights for me was seeing tiny furniture at Versailles. The chairs are tiny, the gaming tables are tiny, the beds are tiny.  And, of course, Napoleon was not known for his tall stature.  So, this observation made me wonder if I’m of French origin.  I’m petite in stature, and I love quality things. I’d rather have one pair of Chanel shoes than 10 pairs of lesser quality.  Yes, I must be a displaced Parisian because I could move my family there tomorrow and (hopefully) blend right in after some wardrobe adjustments.  So, you can assume that  my wheels are turning on how to ingrain the children into the French culture for the upcoming years.  Just yummy..

Now, back to American homeschooling reality–We likely have 3 more full weeks of academics, then who knows after that. Two things pressing on my mind as a result of this recent trip for my own children: the importance of being globally-inclined and the importance of technology and all that goes with that. I was reading an article in the “Herald Tribune” while riding in the car to CDG.  The article mentioned how the NSA is actively recruiting hackers from Silicon Valley. So, while my children enjoy summer activities such as camps and free time outdoors, my gut tells me to educate them on these important issues that are affecting their future at a rapid pace.

Merci and au revoir!

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Why do they want to dance at 11:00?

I was unusually tired today-lack of sleep and hormones, etc..I think I’ve got one eye closed while I type to you now. I was so tired tonight that after finishing grammar quizzes and first grade math reviews around 10:00 I just wanted the kids to go to bed. I didn’t want to read to them. I just wanted them to quietly go to bed. Instead, they got the giggles while I was in my daughter’s room and before I knew it, I had lost all control. The next thing I knew everyone was dancing around in their pajamas to the sounds of Psy and Mclamore (sp?) Help me… It took another 10 minutes to get them to unwind.
This week will be heavy on the math side. I’m trying to decide what program to go with for my oldest son for the next school year. Still favoring Singapore but there are other options-EPGY comes to mind so I’ll be researching over the summer-never really a break.
It’s midnight and the gas tank is empty..










Not just a slice, the whole thing!

I’ve had one of those days where the petty bickering of the kids bugged me more than normal, and I’ve wanted to eat everything chocolate in the house.  Like the chocolate cake sitting on the counter. I’ve wanted to eat the whole cake, not just a slice. Thankfully, I’m not expecting, although I did get my baby fix tonight as I held a 4 week old baby while sitting at a  3 hour gymnastics practice. So thankful I could give him back to his mother, though!

We covered lots of math today. It seems that when I focus more on reading and writing and the other subjects, math gets the shaft until after dinner. So, I started today with math, and then we just seemed to keep going with it in a rhythm studying more and more topics. I guess it doesn’t matter as long as I cover the material I want to. My everyday schedule resembles nothing like what you’d see in a formal school. There’s no official recess, just free time when I give it to the kids. Otherwise, they are learning about something (I hope).
France is on my bucket list, and hubby and I hope to travel there this year to continue our 20th anniversary celebration. He travels to Paris with his job, but I’ve never visited. I’m hoping to hit the major tourist traps and get comfortable with the area, so that the next trip can be with the kids. I’ve started using Rosetta Stone’s French program at home to familiarize myself with some basic sayings and vocabulary. I just love the French-their culture, their beautiful language, their rich history, their refined taste.  Looking for immersion here at some point..







Planning all of the time

Another day of studies here at home.  So many interruptions today while teaching.. everything from the phone ringing to the UPS guy to a leak in the basement which led to the water service guy appearing and the list goes on.  Comes with the territory but challenging to your rhythm none the less.  I walk in circles all day long going from child to child since they all need my attention.

Tonight, I had dinner with a fellow homeschooling mom and another mom in the engineering trade to discuss what opportunities and experiences we could create for our kids and possibly other homeschooling families.  Excited to see what might develop from our meeting of the minds:)  What a different world this engineering mom leads compared to my daily life.  I am a little jealous of her professional environment. I miss being called “Dr. Dozier” at times, keeping up on the latest in medical education, and taking care of patients.  That part was really special for me.  Nevertheless, here I am spending a great deal of my time now in my home.  I wear yoga pants, old t-shirts, dirty house shoes, and zippered jackets every day.  I call it my uniform because it’s the same outfit every day. My hair may or may not get combed. There is no make-up worn. The fashion police would arrest me in a heartbeat. That’s what I need!  I need to be on one of those make-over shows so that I can get some new outfits! Reality TV, here I come…

Sauteed some peppers and chicken for dinner-don’t you know that I burned them.


New basic French curriculum


I just purchased this curriculum for learning basic French with the kids.  We’ve used a couple of programs in the past including an in-home tutor and Rosetta Stone.  This program came highly recommended so hoping we have a good experience with it.  My ultimate goal is to immerse us in the French culture for extended stays.

There’s no time for fashion sense

I looked in the mirror and wondered what was I thinking. I’m not good at fashion in general. Couple that with having next to no time to shop for myself and being clueless on the latest fashion trends, and it just doesn’t go well. After arriving home tonight from activities, I noticed the old pair of jeans I had on by Ralph Lauren. There are extra pockets on my rear that make my backside look bigger than it already is. Why did I buy these? Really, what was my thought process on this or RL’s for making them? I looked like a wanna-be cowgirl. I guess I should view myself in the mirror before I leave next time.


Say “no” to video

Do you get that repeated question, “Can we play Wii?” I’m not a fan of this kind of entertainment for the kids on a frequent basis. I say let them become bored and usually after a few minutes they will find something to entertain themselves with. My oldest dove into a Narnia book after I said “no” to playing Wii.


Have a Lily day

I attended a Lily Pulitzer warehouse sale today with my girlfriend. What fun we had, and what a nice break from my classroom setting.




I love Grandma Moses


Grandma Moses’s life story is so inspiring to me.  I’ll tell you why.

I’ve put my own life “on hold”, if you will, to teach and raise our children with the help of my husband.  I’ve seen my own selfish dreams have to take the back-burner as I’m consumed with the everyday duties of homeschooling our children.  I’ve no regrets or major complaints, and I do feel this is the right thing for our family at present.  That being said, I do miss having the opportunity to be able to fulfill some of my own goals in life, those big dreamy-dreams that you see yourself doing.  So, I found it so encouraging to review how Grandma Moses was able to create these beautiful things in her seventies!  Love it!  What an inspiration to all Moms out there, not just homeschooling Moms, and to remember there’s a season for everything.

My parents leave for Paris

My parents travel to the lovely city of Paris today on a missions trip with their church.  I’m not exactly sure what they will be doing.  A little sight-seeing will be included, but that’s not really their goal.

We’ve been laughing at them practicing some common French phrases.  My parents are about as deep-south as you can get, so their southern accents intermixed with French inflection is just hilarious.  Look out, Paris!  Here come fried chicken and mashed potatoes..

“Are the French outdoing Americans at Parenting?”-NPR News..


Assuming this article to be accurate, I love the fact that French parents emphasize the importance of themselves having “me time”.  Big fan of that idea, especially as a homeschooler.  You can become so consumed in this “job” of homeschooling that you forget the importance of doing something for yourself.  That’s not selfishness.  That’s vital refreshment.

Educating myself and falling in love with anything French

I’m on this kick right now of really exposing myself and family to the French language and culture.
I was brainstorming today on how to make that happen and found myself speaking with someone at the French Embassy in D.C. The lovely lady from the embassy directed me to the “Federation of Alliances Francises”. I didn’t know anything about this organization until today, but it looks very interesting. I’m hoping to find some sort of immersion program or activities over the summer for the kids. It appears they have chapters in many of our major cities. Will see if they can offer some advice to this nutty homeshooler.

