Daily Archives: October 10th, 2012

I think I chewed too much gum last night!

I just found this wad of gum on my desk that I chewed last night. You know that I stay up late. I always like to have some sort of drink with me, and I love to chew bubble gum! I’m sure it’s great for my jaw joints and tooth protection! BUT, I don’t chew gum in public. I was taught growing up in the deep south that I’m not allowed to do that.
I think I’ll throw this away now!


Alternative universes! Look kids, this is why we are talking about electrons today!


We have been studying the atomic model in our local co-op class. Can’t wait to discuss this topic with them about a single electron being in 2 places at the same time.
Does anybody watch “Fringe”? Hubby and I love that show.

Must go tackle laundry! It has exploded again!!!








Copycat-sort of

I am constantly studying what programs are out there for kids. I’ve recently been reviewing Hopkins gifted program to see what their curricula offers. No, my kids were not doing performing long division at the age of 3. Still, why not offer things in our home studies that an expensive, elite program might offer even if it’s altered? It certainly can’t hurt. It just takes some effort on my part. For example, I was looking over their various book lists in their LA programs. I added these book lists to the kids’ already existing book of book list. Then, I went to the library and obtained a few of them for my oldest child to potentially read and let me review what the CTY students are being exposed to. I can’t mimic their actual online literary discussion, but I can at least do this much, and it’s free! There’s also another CTY class on inventions, so I checked out the DK Eyewitness book “Inventions” from the library. My thought was that I’ll look through the book with my kids, and then have them start keeping a log of their ideas that could possibly be turned into inventions. Again, it’s not CTY, but it might be worthy of the attempted copycat effort. This is what I do with some of my free time. Am I nutty? Yeah, probably a little bit…

