John Dewey and I

Today’s studies were all over the place. I have the type of personality where things have to be in order and checked off before moving on to the next task. I usually have to finish a project if I start one which can work in my favor or not sometimes. My idiosyncrasies spill over into our learning environment. I do use a checklist, and I get satisfaction to see the applied check marks. For example, I won’t move on to other topics until I know that we have covered and completed what we needed to during a certain time period.

Presently, I’m finishing up certain sections in math for my first and second grader. They’ve already completed their other studies for this testing period, but I don’t want to proceed until they complete this math section that corresponds with the other subjects. The same is true for my fifth grader. We are finishing his first book in his math program this week-thank goodness!

I did cover other chosen topics with them today such as Rembrant, Hals, value, book reports, geography, grammar, literature, vocabulary, French and spreadsheets. Their piano teacher came from 12:00-1:30. By the time 3:00 rolled around, I was spent and didn’t want to teach on ratios, so I just had my fifth grader work on his Kumon drill book. Just ran out of steam..

I made a flying trip to a local department store to buy some clothing items we need for upcoming events. Found a lovely cashmere cardigan and navy turtleneck sweater. This was in between soccer, gymnastics, a trip to the library and grocery store. I honestly could have bathed myself in all of the yummy handbags and clothes in the department store. I just don’t get to shop very often (although my husband would differ).

Tonight, I’m falling asleep on the couch as I read about John Dewey. My book says he was the most influential man on the American education system. I’ll have to find another source that discusses his influence more in-depth. For now, I need sleep (1:00 a.m.).






2 responses

  1. What time do you get up in the morning and start school? We are new to homeschooling, and we are having a hard time keeping a schedule!

    1. I get up late compared to corporate America, usually between 7-7:30. I get the crew up after me. We all get dressed, have breakfast, etc. I check emails first thing in the morning, brew coffee, get my mind going around studies and so forth. Academics usually begin between 9-9:30. We don’t have a regular schedule like you’d seen in a formal school setting. I just know what I want to cover with them for the day, and I just juggle all of them to make it work. Because I’m so one on one with each of them, they get a lot of downtime for free play and reading. Sometimes, I give them independent work. I’d do yourself a favor and get rid of the idea of a schedule as you’d see in public or private school. I’ve never seemed to be able to make that work for me, and I find it unnecessary in our setting. Maybe that’s just how I’m wired. If I give them down time from academics, then my response is always, “Go find a cure for cancer or something.” Kids needs time to play and let their minds wander:) How else do we come up with new ideas and inventions not to mention not being stressed out all of the time?
      Best to you:)

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