Tag Archives: orchestra

Nap or exercise-that is the question

We’ve been so busy with life that my gym time has diminished over the last few days, and that makes me feel sluggish. So, I determined to fit my exercise in today, and that had to occur this afternoon or evening during kids’ activities. My husband was working so I had to get this done with 4 kids around me.
I ended up running around my son’s turf field and doing kickboxing while he was in soccer practice. The other 3 just rolled around on the ground and kicked balls. I told them to please leave me alone for a few minutes unless there was an emergency. Do you ever feel pressed for a moment like that?
I bet I looked like Phoebe off of that “Friends” episode where she runs around crazy flapping her arms and legs. I was doing cartwheels and handstands with my daughter. Got my workout in, though!



Take music lessons through skype

Technology continues to change how we live and play. Ran across this site and found it interesting.  I’ve no idea on their credibility, but it may be worth checking out.


Taxi and Take-Out on a Friday Night

Hubby and I are playing tag-team between kids’ games.  Do you know that scene?  It feels like we’re the directors in a Broadway show sometimes.  Everything we do has only a certain amount of time to do it in, and it must be coordinated to the finest degree.

I wonder what we’ll be doing 30 years from now on a Friday night.  Playing Bingo on a Caribbean island somewhere?  Maybe..

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It’s midnight-Packin, Jammin, Drinkin for va-ca!

Everybody’s asleep but me-story of my life:)

We leave in the a.m. for vacation.  I’m not packed, the house is a mess, have to pack books, electronics, etc etc etc.  I’ll be up all night, so it’s me and Maxwell House (caffeinated) and tunes on the I-pod.  Yes, I dance around the house like a crazy person in the midst of getting it together.  Right now, listening to “Feel so close” by Calvin somebody-terrible with artists’ names.  Maybe I’ll sleep tomorrow…

Is our son a violin child prodigy?

No, it would appear not, but he may be inventing a new instrument!