Tag Archives: simon cowell

A season for everything

We traveled to watch the production of “Jonah” today at the”Sight and Sound” theater in PA. Pretty amazing show. The actors are quite talented, and the set and music are equally impressive. I found myself teary several times as I listened to the actors’ dialogue, although admittedly I did nap for a couple of minutes in the beginning. I’m paraphrasing but the actor who played Jonah made the statement that there’s a season for everything. That concept always strikes a chord in me as I truly believe that.
Traveling to that part of the country also gave my children the opportunity to see how the Amish and Mennonite communities live and work. The horse and buggy, the lack of electricity, the hanging of clothes out on a line, the attire….Their way of life is somewhat foreign to my kids. I want them to appreciate and respect how other communities and cultures live so seeing the show in a place where we could discuss such things made for an interesting day. Plus, grandparents were with us which is always nice.















It’s midnight-Packin, Jammin, Drinkin for va-ca!

Everybody’s asleep but me-story of my life:)

We leave in the a.m. for vacation.  I’m not packed, the house is a mess, have to pack books, electronics, etc etc etc.  I’ll be up all night, so it’s me and Maxwell House (caffeinated) and tunes on the I-pod.  Yes, I dance around the house like a crazy person in the midst of getting it together.  Right now, listening to “Feel so close” by Calvin somebody-terrible with artists’ names.  Maybe I’ll sleep tomorrow…