Tag Archives: technology

How will technology change the traditional model of education?

Cyberspace is changing the how, when, and where of education for our kids.  The alteration will undoubtedly revise the traditional model of education, possibly even the existence of universities and teachers as how we knew them when we were growing up.  For homeschoolers, the development is an exciting one because it offers an endless array of possibilities for our kids in what they’re exposed to.  I’m constantly monitoring the trend to see how this will affect us in our home studies.  Who knows what this will look like 10 years from now?





Online video tutorials from “Backpack TV”

Joe Wagner, a fellow blogger and I believe founder of “Backpack TV”, sent this link below as another tutorial site to investigate.  Haven’t had a chance to preview the site in detail, so I can’t comment on it yet, but it looks interesting.


Organization is key

Up late after painting my son’s bedroom. Now regrouping and going through schoolroom (formerly my dining room) to get a bit more organized. Clutter can make you nutty, especially if you are a homeschooler, so I make it a priority to stay on top of what could become a big mess.
Looking forward to summer break, but we’ve still got a bit of material to cover before then.








Technology camp for your student?

The below statement came to me from “ID Tech”. They run camps and online tutorials in areas such as computer programming and robotics.

“No matter how the dice land, tech skills end up on top. The U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration is projecting that STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) occupations will grow by 17% percent from 2008-2018, nearly double the average 9.8% for other occupations.”

Food for thought….One cannot deny the impact the computer world has had on how we conduct our everyday lives. It seems to be becoming increasingly important that the next generation understand and be able to utilize and manipulate technology for themselves and for the greater good.




Using technology to enhance your student’s learning experience and to aid you in teaching

Recently, I learned about this great resource, “Discovery Education streaming” from a colleague.  Now, I just saw that our Calvert curriculum offers this through their package.  I hadn’t even seen that before in our portal!  Calvert also offers “brain pop” , another media educational source that my kids love to watch.  I use these kinds of videos to reinforce a topic that we’ve covered together.  Another reason why I’m a big fan of Calvert’s curriculum and the many aids they offer parents as teaching tools. 




Schooling at the Beach house followed by Planet Fun

I worked with the kids on academics today. Then, we spent the evening at a local family place complete with video games, laser tag, bowling, put-put, and bouncies.

The kids love it, but something about these types of places make my skin crawl. They seem to just add to the whole scenario of dumbing down our children. I hope I’m just being paranoid.








Don’t “Dumb Them Down”-Latin copywork by my 7 year old

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Latin copywork written by my 7/0 under the instruction of his tutor.

Children are so much more capable than society gives them credit for.  Provide a nourishing and stimulating environment.  Turn off the technological distractions.  Let them hear their own thoughts and put their own imagination to work.