Meatballs at midnight

Today was full of the usual activities.  Our day started at 7:00 with the oldest 2 playing soccer followed by ballet and gymnastics for my daughter and then 2 games of lacrosse in the afternoon for the oldest son.  It’s so cold here that outside activities are dreaded by me even though the calendar says it’s spring.  Ready for the pollen and bees!

This evening I cooked, well sort-of.  My girlfriend suggested I buy meatballs instead of making them for use in subs-brilliant! Some of my kids enjoyed the dish and some didn’t, but I actually made a double recipe of corn chowder from scratch (Is that what you say?).  Again, some of my kids liked the recipe, and some didn’t. They loved the corn muffins, although I’m sad to report that those were store bought so no credit there.

I wrapped the evening up helping my second son make an array that he designed to display at Excelsior’s performance night this week. I taught him how to use a hot glue gun. I think he burned my fingers a few times, but it was worth it for him to create the project so that he could take pride in what he had made.

So, now I’m eating those meatballs I told you about earlier as I type this.  It’s midnight, and everyone is asleep but me.  Once I finish typing this I’m going to go mop my kitchen floor-good times as we say. Where else in the day do I do this? You may be thinking, why doesn’t she have the kids clean? Believe me, I do, but sometimes I just like them to go to sleep so that I can hear my own thoughts for a few minutes, even if it is with a mop!


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