Tag Archives: IBM

To code or not to code? Is that the question?

I’m wrestling with how much time and resources to use towards computer science education for my kids. Would that time be better served just teaching math concepts? I’ve been told by several people that programming is so rapidly changing that it’s a waste of time for kids to learn what’s out there now. Just something else for me to make a decision on-ugh..
But along those lines, I did order a few new magazine subscriptions to PCWorld, MACworld, and Wired amongst others. Figured it can only help my kids and me to learn more about new technology in this fashion.




Medicine and technology

As a former physician, I’m attracted to what’s happening with medicine and technology.  Consider sharing this article and others similar to your older students who may be interested in these types of fields.




Dabbling with “Dr. Joy”

Up late working on my hobby. It’s not often that I write, and I’d like to devote more time to this interest of mine. Having more time seems to be my rate-limiting factor, but I’m working on it.
“Dr. Joy” is a character I’m developing in a book. Who knows if she will ever be anything more than random thoughts in my head. I really could benefit from participating in a writer’s workshop, but that won’t happen in my near future. So, I’ll have to just play on my own..
