Daily Archives: March 13th, 2012

What does a homeschooler look like?

I was reading through some articles discussing the stereotypes of homeschoolers that still exist today. It’s amazing how a large part of the public pigeon-holes homeschoolers as having one look or one philosophy to guide their home environment.

The reality is there are many different reasons why people homeschool.  These beliefs in turn affect how they approach life with their kids, what they teach them, how they dress, where they live, what goals and aspirations the kids have from their environment, how they speak, what outside activities they do, and so forth.

Homeschoolers can be very different from each other.  I’d like to see the media pick up on that concept more.

Some of the world’s most fascinating homeschoolers

Interesting read…


Famous homeschoolers-a fun read


Do your kids live in a bubble?

We’ve become a subscriber to “Time Magazine for Kids”.  Today we received two of their country issues (I believe they go out every 6 weeks?).  These short stories are around 6 pages in length, and they highlight issues concerning a particular country amongst other things.  My oldest two read about Ethiopia.  They learned that some areas lose electricity frequently, for example.

Do I think my kids live in a bubble?  Are they sheltered and likely not aware of what impoverished children around the world endure in their daily lives?  Yes, absolutely.  My plan is to expose them to these types of conditions as they mature and can handle things that are not so lovely or easy to process.  My hope is that they grow up wanting to make a global difference.

Connecting math and science to their real world

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