Daily Archives: March 14th, 2012

I gained 200 pounds and spit out four kids in five years. Shouldn’t I have 60 minutes to myself?

The crew and I spent some time in the park today after academics were finished.  My goal was to get a serious run in on the track .  I did not want to be interrupted while I was running.  I could have left the kids at home with hubby, but the weather was too perfect for them not to be enjoying the time, also.

My kids have been told on many occasions that there needs to be an emergency for them to disrupt what little free time I’m able to fit in (exercising, quiet time, etc).  They know an emergency constitutes things like a broken or dislocated limb, blood, something being on fire, etc.

So, about halfway through my run with them playing on the playground set (within my sight), my oldest son comes running up to me on the track and says the other guys are bored and hot.  I said, “What?  Please go and tell them to find something to play or swing or whatever, but don’t interrupt me again unless there is an emergency.”  I was panting and sweating while I struggled to get the words out.

That may sound harsh, but that’s the way I protect free time for myself.  Being a physician likely only adds to my low tolerance level in this area.  But, I look at it this way.  It’s better if mommy is in somewhat decent physical shape so that I can chase them around or take them on hiking trips.  It’s better for them if I have moments where I can refresh myself, and that, in turn, will help me to be a better teacher.  And there are those life lessons they learn:  boundaries, respecting others’ time, patience, the world doesn’t revolve around them reality, use their imagination and so forth.  We’ll see how the next “mommy time” goes…