Daily Archives: March 3rd, 2012

Swallow this pill..

Shaping our children..

Every person they meet, every experience they have, every book they read, every movie they watch, every playdate that comes over (the list goes on) is molding my children’s character and who they will eventually become as adults.

Surround yourself with superstars and be inspired

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Our local homeschooling community had the opportunity to hear Dr. Susan Wise Bauer speak today (author of many works including “The Well-Trained Mind).  She’s very accomplished, but refreshingly easy to relate to and identify with in dealing with life’s challenges.

I’m also fortunate to be associated with some rock star girlfriends who give so much of themselves to their children and to the local homeschooling community.

Who do you associate with?  Do they provide encouragement and support?

“Dr. Joy and Crew” books

I stayed up last night working again on my medical book series for kids.  I’d love to write during the day when I have more energy but you know the interruptions that can happen with four young kids.

I found myself writing with one eye open and one eye closed.  That’s when I decided I should go to bed!

Language immersion for the whole family while on vacation

My oldest kids are being tutored in Latin (watered-down Wheelock’s) and French (Rosetta Stone and in-home tutor).  Of course, the ideal way to learn the romance language of French is to immerse yourself in the culture.  A goal of mine for our family!  Good read below.  I was interested to see the programs being offered in Minnesota, also..


Bilingual All the Way: Language Immersion Vacations for the Whole Family




I feel like I’ve run a marathon (every day)

Our boxed curriculums for next year arrived today.  I’ll be teaching grades fifth, second, and first.  Admittedly, I kind of sighed when I saw them because I know how much effort will be required of me to present the material effectively in hopes of inspiring them.  Yes, I love what I do as a homeschooler.  I feel that doing so is the right thing for our family.  Would I recommend this “job” to everyone.  No, I don’t think so.  It’s A LOT of work, and I’d have a hard time believing someone that says otherwise..

Kids contributing to household chores, whether they want to or not

I’ve never created a “chores chart” for my kids.  A chores chart would be just something else I’d have to keep track of.  Also, part of me feels that they should assist in household chores simply because it’s a necessity for maintaining the home.  I’m a firm believer in teaching them that there are many things in life that you just have to do, whether you want to or not.

But…my one son is asking for the chores chart.  He’s wired in such a way that I know he’ll reap many benefits from using such a device.  So, I’m going to bite the bullet and create one for them. I honestly don’t see that we’ll be able to keep up with the duties every day that will be listed, but I’ll at least try it out.  Good read below..
