I’m tired, and it all just needs to stop for tonight..

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There are not many true breaks for yourself when you homeschool.  Even when you’re on a break, you’re not really on a break because you’ve got to plan what’s coming next in their education and in their lives.

We spent the day at Excelsior, our local homeschool cooperative.  Dance followed classes. Then, we made a mad rush to buy groceries. You should see me buying groceries with all four kids.  I just throw things in the cart like I”m shooting a basketball.

Next week is Excelsior’s annual “Friends and Family night” where the students present a variety of things they’ve learned throughout the school year.  This week I”ll be planning for that.  I’ve also got to work on science projects with my 2 oldest kids over the weekend.  They’re presenting in a science fair in April.  The Boy Scouts Pinewood Derby is Friday so I have  to help the boys make their cars (Oh my gosh!).  We’re testing this week in our home studies so lots of work to be done this week in academics.  The weekend is full of activities.  Thank goodness spring break is coming up, but I’ll have to pack for the entire family before we can travel during the break.  And, even when we’re on spring break, I’ll be teaching because if I don’t, then we’ll be behind on where we need to be to break for the summer.

And, I need a summer break!  Maybe I can get some of those house projects accomplished that stare at me everyday.  Maybe I’ll sleep.  Maybe I’ll just look at my children or go on a date with my husband.  Or, maybe I”ll be prepping for the upcoming school year-Did I mention you don’t really get a break:)

2 responses

  1. I am so impressed and very proud of you!! Your children have a fantastic mother! love and miss u!!!

  2. Hi, Alison! You are too kind with your words! I don’t feel all that impressive.
    How’s your crew? Missed seeing you when we were in MS!

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